Have you ever found yourself in a conversation that was going really well, so well in fact the other person seemed to like you, like, a lot? Like:
And then all of a sudden, the topic of climate change comes up, and you’re in a struggle.
Like, a MAJOR struggle. You try to get out. But you can’t.
the conversation gets frustrating
even hostile
The vibe goes from “Yes yes yes!”
to “no no no”
in two simple words:
climate change.
and all of a sudden the person hates you
and their friends hate you
Even if your position is supported by facts, they say ‘wrong’.
Well I’m about to tell you about a free Climate Advocate Training you can attend that will equip you with the tools you need
to turn a no about climate change
into a “yes”:
Are you excited??
Are you paying attention to what I’m saying??
Because I’m about to give you the answer to any cocktail party’s climate change debate ails. Yeah!!
Here’s the info:
What: This FREE training session is a great opportunity to help us maximize our organizing potential and get the most out of the time we invest in mitigating climate change. Ever find yourself in a conversation with a denier and you didn’t know how to respond? Want to do something about climate change but aren’t sure the best use of your time? Want to to be part of a mass movement to solve climate change? This training is for you! Please invite friends, just check with Karen Fort (karen.o.fort@gmail.com) if you plan to bring more than two guests. RSVP appreciated but not required.
When: Saturday May 7, 2016: 2-4:30PM
Where: 872 W Buckingham Pl (Karen Fort’s home)
Facebook invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/814498532016832/
So please join, and turn those no no no’s
into a healthy conversation, like the ones you have with your dog
or your hamster
and waltz out of those cocktail parties feeling like a happy mammal who actually changed someone’s point of view
Because from what I’ve read, climate change is real, it’s man made, and we CAN do something about it. So let’s do something!!