Eco Comedy Friday

Good morning!  I hope you’re as excited about Friday as I am

When I woke up today and realized it was time to launch my eco comedy website I got real excited.

I mean, REALLY.

And with out further ado, let me tell you why I’m so excited.

A few months ago I started meeting with my alderman.  Now we’re planning a town hall meeting style regular event where people can meet their neighbors, work on sustainable projects, and learn about the great things going on around them.  The first debut of this event is Sat, Feb 27, where we’ll have a gardening expert tell us how to create an urban garden (I am planning one on my rooftop for the first time this spring:). We’ll also have donations from Patagonia, do some walking tours of local gardens and learn some neighborhood history.  I hope you’ll join us! Here’s info.

DRAFT Feb Hub Day Flyer

So please, tell me what you’re up to these days. And get excited!




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